Athenaeum University

Double Blind Review Evaluation


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ISSN-L 2065 - 8168
ISSN (e) 2068 - 2077
ISSN (p) 2065 - 8168



Giuseppe Garibaldi No. 2A
Bucharest, Romania


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  1. Authors:
      • Brînduşa-Mihaela RADU, email:, Afiliation: Athenaeum University, Bucharest, Romania

      • 24|36

  2. Keywords: New education, training, sustainable development, the knowledge society

  3. Abstract:

    Change in education is an objective necessity, determined by the transformations taking place in society - at a cultural, political, economic, community level, and these things must be reflected in the pedagogical plan. In spite of tensions and multiple conflicts, the priority objective of mankind is increasingly formulated in the notion of sustainable development. Education is trying to respond to the requirements of social development in two directions, that of educational content - which requires curriculum development by infusion, integration of new education and that of the philosophy of education - which concerns the orientation, sizing and rethinking of educational processes. The problems of the world in which we live: the crisis of the environment, globalization, poverty, unemployment, social failure, equality of chances, human rights, democracy have become problems of the education sciences, which have integrated them in what is called the new education.The school is to be the center of change, a change of mentality first, an equally important aspect, but harder to solve than the economic change and reconstruction and the institutions of democracy. The new generation must not only be educated to adapt to the new, but also to anticipate change, to accept it and to actively participate in the process, thus contributing to the construction of the future. The specificity of our world is that it is changing faster and that it puts us in the face of original, unforeseeable and even unpredictable situations. For this reason, the main task in the formation of man must not be both education and education, namely education that offers educated and educated behavior open to change and an attitude that favors the use of innovative behavior techniques.

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