Athenaeum University

Double Blind Review Evaluation


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ISSN-L 2065 - 8168
ISSN (e) 2068 - 2077
ISSN (p) 2065 - 8168



Giuseppe Garibaldi No. 2A
Bucharest, Romania


Tel: +4
Fax: +4






Papers must be in English, written in a concise manner because the value of the paper will be considered relative to its length. All submissions must be in Microsoft Word format, A4 paper format, single column documents, with page set up: top 5 cm, bottom 5 cm, left 4 cm, right 4 cm, single interline spacing using 12 points type in Times New Roman. The paper will not exceed 20 pages, including the references and annexes.
The paper should include:
Title (Times New Roman bold, all caps of size 14 points) concise and informative and maximum length should be 50 letters and spaces.
Authors' name (first name, then last name, with Times New Roman bold 12 points) should be written below the title.
Affiliation(s) and complete postal address (es) of the author(s) will be provided immediately after the full name of the authors and will be written with Times New Roman 12 points.
Abstract: each paper must be preceded by an abstract presenting the most important results in no more than 250-300 words.
Keywords: 4-5 keywords should be supplied after the Abstract for indexing purposes.

JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification code is required. Find this classification at
Paper body should be written with in Times New Roman 10 point, single spaced.
Tables and figures should be placed in the body of the paper exactly where the authors want them to appear printed. Figures should be high resolution with descriptive headings. The online version of a paper may include colour figures, but the print version will be in black and white.
Equations and formulas should be numbered. The numbers are to be justified to the right, within parentheses.
should include relevant sources, those which add further evidence or clarify the methodology.

The Harvard referencing convention is a requirement, i.e. within the body of the text the surname and year of the reference, for example (Smith 2002), and then at the end of the paper the references should be listed alphabetically. Please ensure that references are complete, i.e. that they include, where relevant, author’s name, article or book title, volume and issue number, publisher, date and page reference. A full and clear guide can be found at: 
The footnotes and endnotes should be avoided and all the information should be placed in the text.
For your convenience, we include below a template illustrating the style required by our journal.
Please download the Journal Template here.

First name LAST NAME, Title (ex: PhD Professor)
First author Affiliation/University, City, Country
email first author
First name LAST NAME, Title (ex: PhD Lecturer)
Second author Affiliation/Institute, City, Country
email second author

Abstract: The formatting of technical papers is important to those interested in seeing the Journal that have a consistent appearance. This template is used to format your paper and style the text. The easiest way to make your paper look exactly like this document is simply to replace the content with your own material. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are prescribed, so please do not alter them. Please do not add page numbers, header or footer. Each paper must be preceded by an abstract that should be brief, indicating the purpose/significance of the research and must be between 250-300 words. Please, do not use symbols, special characters, footnotes, or math in the paper title or abstract. The title and abstract play an important role in the communication of the research. Without a proper title and abstract, most papers may not be read or found.
Keywords: 4-5 keywords should be supplied after the Abstract for indexing purposes
JEL Classification: Ex: C23, J26, C38

1. Introduction 

The paper must be written in English and carefully checked for spelling and grammar before submission. The title (UPPERCASE, Times New Roman 14-point bold), authors' names (Times New Roman 14-point bold) and affiliations (Times New Roman 12-point) should be centered. The font of the paper must be Times New Roman 12-point as the font for all text with ‘justified’ alignment and single-line spacing. 

Document format
The paper size should be in A4 format and the values to set are these:
Top: 5 cm
Bottom: 5 cm
Left: 4 cm
Right: 4 cm
From Edge – Header and Footer: 1.27 cm

2. Elements of the paper

The basic elements of the paper should be listed in the following order: Title of paper, Authors' names, affiliations, and emails, Abstract and Keywords, The main body of the paper (including figures and tables), Conclusions, and References. Please do not exceed the page’s margins with tables, text, or figures. The paper will not exceed 20 pages, including the references and annexes.
2.1. Table and figures
Figures, tables, and equations must be inserted in the text and may not be grouped at the end of the paper. Tables and figures must be numbered, centered and should be placed close after their first reference in the text. Please double check the numbering of these elements before you submit your paper. The table headings should be centered above the tables. Figures and tables not cited in the text should not be presented. The following is an example for Table 1.

Table 1. Title of the Table
 [Insert Tabel 1 here] 


All figures should be of high quality, legible and numbered according to the sequence below each figure. The resolution should be at least 300 dpi and at least 10 cm wide. Figure captions and table headings should be sufficient to explain the figure or table without needing to refer to the text.

Figure 1. Title of Figure 1
 [Insert Figure 1 here]

2.1. Equations
Each equation should occupy one line. Equations start from the left of the column and numbered consecutively. The equation numbers must be bracketed and should be aligned at the right of the line in that column.
 (x + y + z)2 = xyz                                                                                                                                                                 (1) 

3. Conclusions

The editors of this Journal will appreciate it if you would follow these guidelines. If you do not conform to the required formatting, your paper will be return for correction.
References should include relevant sources, those which add further evidence or clarify the methodology. The Harvard referencing convention is a requirement, i.e. within the body of the text the surname and year of the reference, for example (Smith 2002), and then at the end of the paper the references should be listed alphabetically. The complete details of the references will appear in the list of references. 

Please ensure that references are complete and they include, where relevant, author’s name, article or book title, volume and issue number, publisher, date and page reference. A full and clear guide can be found here:

The notes footnotes and endnotes should be avoided and all the information should be placed in the text. Please include in the References list only those references that were actually cited in the text of the paper. All work that is cited in the text also needs to be in the References. There must be a total agreement between the two. We recommend at least 20 quality references should be cited. References should follow the format in the below examples.


Last name, First initial. and Last name, First initial. (Year published). Paper Title. City: Publisher, Page(s).
Desikan, S. and Ramesh, G. (2006). Software testing. Bangalore: Dorling Kindersley, p.156.
Vermaat, M., Sebok, S., Freund, S., Campbell, J. and Frydenberg, M. (2014). Discovering computers. Boston: Cengage Learning, pp.446-448.
Daniels, K., Patterson, G. and Dunston, Y. (2014). The ultimate student teaching guide. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, pp.145-151.
Brown, D. (1998). Digital fortress. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Brown, D. (2003). Deception point. New York: Atria Books.
Ross, N. (2015). On Truth Content and False Consciousness in Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory. Philosophy Today, 59(2), pp. 21-29.
Harris, E. (2015). For Special-Needs Students, Custom Furniture Out of Schoolhouse Scraps. New York Times, [online] p.A20. Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2015].
Fox, R. (2014). Technological Advances in Banking. In: American Finance Association Northeast Regional Conference. Hartford: AFA, p. 24.

Example for Court Cases:
Young v. United Parcel Service, Inc. [2015]12-1226 (Supreme Court of the United States); 1.
Example Government Publications:
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, (2012). BicyclePA Routes. Harrisburg: PENNDOT, p.1.