• George CALOTA, email:, Afiliation: “Athenaeum” University, Romania
• Bogdan PIRVULESCU, Ph.D Student, email:, Afiliation: University of Craiova
• Ion CRIOTORU, email:, Afiliation: “Athenaeum” University, RomaniaPages:
• 77|84 -
Keywords: management, communication, research, organization
In a society where we talk increasingly more and we understand each other even less it is obvious that all activities organized by people have their source in communication. All human relationships represent communication interactions that include a symbolic size. Without the transmission of symbols that have attached meanings, relations between people would not be possible. We exist one for each other and interact with each other as far as communicating between us is concerned: we send and receive signals, encode and decode messages. For the successful manager communication are a state of mind and an instrument spending between 55-95% of the time talking, listening, writing and reading, thus communicating. The manager’s climb on the hierarchical steps of his profession, which confirms the success, is due to his ability to communicate effectively and efficiently.Within the organization, management communication problems are often seen and can rightly be the cause of all evils and disorders of the organization. In the communication domain, the manager is put in situations to evaluate people and events and to develop rapid and effective solutions. For this the manager must have a range of skills and communication skills that skillfully handled will solve favorable situations. The effect on managerial communication over the morale of his subordinates is evident, from the point where every employee believes that an important contribution to the success of the institution is brought by him , being attracted by a goal and having the feeling of being part of a successful organization. Attitudes and motivations of people working in an organization, based on their need to feel involved, informed and prepared to participate in decisions that affect them. The greater the complexity of their tasks, the greater need for integration and coordination is greater so is the management communication system of an organization a key mechanism for achieving this integration and coordination. In investigating the phenomenon studied, the assumptions underlying the research achievement were those supporting communication as a major resource for the functioning of the organization that provides effective leadership in the organization and reflects the performance possibilities both individual and on a level of the entire organizations. The purpose of this paper is to highlight aspects of communication in the management process, to highlight the possibility of improving management communication within any organization