• Mariana BRAN, PhD. Professor, email: mariana.bran13@yahoo.com, Afiliation: The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, RomaniaPages:
• 75|82 -
Keywords: technology, risk, agricultural product, environment
The environment, with all physical and chemical components, was permanently exploited by the biodiversity. The ecology experts consider that its value is invaluable. But, under anthropic activity, the biological communities suffer modifications, which, under current conditions are differently understood. In this respect, at global level the issue environment – economy occurs, due to complex and multidimensional features (technological, economical, political and ecological) by nature and involvements. The agricultural science and practice, by meteorological variations, intensity and field exploitation type, have demonstrated the exposure of yield to the risk. The research refers to some technological risks. It is important to understand the role and the implications of using chemicals as part of agricultural practice. All vegetal species are differently affected by the diseases and pests and as well as by weeds. The damages could affect the yields, even fully. The modern and efficacy measures to prevent and control all kinds of pests are chemical treatments. Used rationally, they create the healthy of crops with no pollution to the environment. The key question for an efficient technology are what, how and when are used the pesticides. This aspect is under research into field crop exploitations.