• Ion CROITORU, email:, Afiliation: Athenaeum University, Bucharest, RomaniaPages:
• 46|57 -
Keywords: financial-accounting activity, financial accounting, management accounting, public entity, financial-accounting information, financial-accounting system
The financial-accounting activity represents the instrument within the public entity, with the help of which the patrimony of the public entity is managed economically, financially and. This activity records transactions and operations related to the establishment and use of public resources. The recording of operations in the entity’s primary and accounting records complies with certain principles, rules and regulations, both for the collection and processing of financial data and information, and for orderly, systematic and documented recording. The financial-accounting activity reflects in monetary terms the movable and immovable goods, the availabilities, the rights and obligations of the public entity, the entrances or exits in and from the patrimony, other movements or patrimonial changes determined by the economic and financial operations realized on the incomes, expenses and results obtained. With the help of the financial-accounting activity, the collection and payment operations of the public entity are highlighted. It provides information to the management of the public entity regarding the execution of the revenue and expenditure budgets, the result of the budget execution, the patrimony under administration, the patrimonial result, the cost of the programs approved by the budget.