Athenaeum University

Double Blind Review Evaluation


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ISSN-L 2065 - 8168
ISSN (e) 2068 - 2077
ISSN (p) 2065 - 8168



Giuseppe Garibaldi No. 2A
Bucharest, Romania


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  1. Authors:
      • Otilia MANTA, email:, Afiliation: Athenaeum University, Bucharest, Romania

      • 78|102

  2. Keywords: financial technologies (fintech), financial inclusion and sustainable development

  3. Abstract:

    The holistic approach to the phenomenon of expansion of financial innovations and current financial technologies, as abbreviated as FinTech, knows very specific elements and adapted to the global financial context. Moreover, this new funding instrument has mainly emerged from the need to streamline the funding system, a technology-based system, or to provide financial services tailored to the current needs of consumers (especially those in need of funding, this is also the real reason for the coupling of fintech to the financial inclusion of those excluded financially), as well as the design of new, reliable financial products that respond to the market. Our personal experience in integrated consulting for small farmers in Romania (over 15,000 small farms benefiting from our services) as well as the design of a unique microfinance model in the Romanian market, the microfinance model „MicrofInance anTreprenor (MIT)” in 2017 with applicability in the Microfinance Micro-Enterprises (MSM) developed in the Romanian market and promoted the concept at European level through the European Microfinance Network (Brussels) under project ID 135486. The financial space is dual, presenting two often contradictory hypostases: the totality of entities, collection flows, on the one hand, and all entities, channels, stocks and placement flows, and in the current context of digital financial technologies, it is in the virtual space.

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