• Nelu BURCEA,, Afiliation: Lecturer PhD. “Athenaeum” University of BucharestPages:
• 63|68 -
Keywords: ethics, management, financial, human rights, economic, spiritual, religious, morality.
The topic of business ethics emerges in the 21st century, if we consider at least two aspects. First, amid the great scandals of corruption and lack of integrity, so we could say it has a reactive background, and secondly, amid the constant development of the legislation that protects and stimulates an ethical approach, but also of the legislation that guarantees the respect for human rights in a financial and economic context. Is the 21st century business world more interested in the sensitive elements of life such as ethics and morality than in profit? Is it the impact of the past 10 years marked in the beginning by profit and then by the unprecedented financial and economic crisis? Whatever the answer to these questions may be, it is certain that ethics and human rights are reflected in the managerial activities and decisions. This conclusion is based on the financial scandals both in Romania and the European countries. Theoretically, financial scandals should not arouse our interest in ethics, morality and respect for individual rights and liberties, but on the contrary. The awareness on the importance of these values should lessen the engagement in unethical managerial activities. The topic discussed here wants to highlight these elements of ethics and individual liberty through a theoretical and practical approach in order to create an argumentation that would motivate managerial involvement in terms of ethics and human