• PhD Univ. Assistant Luciana BEZERIŢĂ (TOMESCU), email: luciana.tomescu@gmail.com, Afiliation: „Athenaeum” University of BucharestPages:
• 321|334 -
Keywords: National Management System of Emergency Situations, the prefect, the European Union, the intergovernmental cooperation, good global governance.
In the geostrategic context of multiplication and growth of the non-military risks upon the national security, at national level, a modern legal framework in the area of emergency management was established. Through Government Emergency Ordinance no.21/2004, approved with modifications and completions through Law no.15/2005, National Management System of Emergency Situations was founded, with the purpose of preventing and managing emergency situations, which also ensures the civil protection management - component of the national security system, according to the provisions of Law no.481/2004 regarding the civil protection, republished. Within this framework, were established: National Committee for Emergency Situations, under the direct management of the minister of internal affairs and coordination of the prime minister, and the county, respectively the Bucharest Municipality Committees for Emergency Situations, under the coordination of the prefect - the local representative of the Government. In regards to the international cooperation in the field, with The United Nations Organization, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and The European Union, it is to be remarked the fact that the management of the emergency situations is a national competency activity, these having only a supporting role for the member states and a debate forum role, through specialized structures constituted in this sense: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - the part of the United Nations Secretariat, The Euro- Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre, Monitoring and Information Centre - within the European Commission. Communication and public information plays a key role in the management of emergency situations.