• Issam MF SALTAJI, email: createmyworld@mail.ru, Afiliation: Athenaeum University, Bucharest, RomaniaPages:
• 103|111 -
Keywords: governance, E-corporate governance, economic development, E-Government
Nowadays, there is a big question of how the public institution can achieve progress by implementing new information technologies in its performance, which is known as E-government. Governments are in a hurry to issue development plans aiming social and economic developments. Due to that, the E-corporate governance is highlighted by academicians and searchers in order to restructure the public institutions in a way of assuring responsibility and transparency and after that, the academicians and the searchers want to take the advantage of new technologies. The article will try to formulate the main principles of E-government and to determine the requirements and the ability of E-government besides highlighting its benefits.