Athenaeum University

Double Blind Review Evaluation


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ISSN-L 2065 - 8168
ISSN (e) 2068 - 2077
ISSN (p) 2065 - 8168



Giuseppe Garibaldi No. 2A
Bucharest, Romania


Tel: +4
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  1. Authors:
      • Radu GHEORGHE, university lecturer Faculty of Economic Studies, email:, Afiliation: University „Athenaeum” of Bucharest

      • 45|60

  2. Keywords: demographic decline, population dynamics, migration, immigration, demographic aging, space mobility, remission, static population.

  3. Abstract:
    Since 1990 Romania has been confronted with the phenomenon of international migration, an aspect which has been debated lately by Romanian specialists in population issues, particularly due to its intensity, the european demographic context where it is manifesting, but also due to the emphasized demographic decline of the country. Although migration as a form of spatial mobility of people and labor remains a relatively complex multifactorial process, it is not in itself a novelty of the end and the beginning of the millennium. As a phenomenon, migration can be considered from the first moments of the men’s existance on Earth. There were only the forms of manifestations, destinations, the movement of the the migration borders’centers that that suffered  disruptions. There are transformations that are otherwise related to a number of favoring stimulus-factors of flows and migratory routes. From this perspective, how can we interpret the intensity of international migration from Romania? Are we on the edge of a demographic abyss as many specialists have not refrained to say? Or can we simply interpret the phenomenon in a context of a contextual-structural normality, specific to the Romanian society at the moment, temporarily boosted by a number of factors to which it is bound in some way to react? If so, which are these factors? What are the facets of Romanian migration and how they influence future demographic developments? This article comes with an answer that does not claim compliance with the principle of exhaustiveness. It seeks only to deliver a few pieces of a puzzle in progress. We can name them moving radiographs that probe a possible complementary support for the construction of a solid explanation.

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