• Florinel CÎMPEANU, email:, Afiliation: Valahia University of Targoviste, RomaniaPages:
• 79|93 -
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, corporate ethics, company, performance
Corporate social responsibility has become a well-established concept that designates the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental concerns in their activities and their relationships with stakeholders. This approach aims to encourage smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, as defined by the Europe 2020 strategy. Indeed, in the first decade of the 21st century, the concept of corporate social responsibility has been increasingly adopted. more and more companies, investors, while civil society, academia and the media have become increasingly familiar with this issue. It is associated with a wide range of meanings. This variety stems from the dynamic, contextual and holistic nature of CSR. Dynamic, primarily because this concept is constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of complex environments. Contextual, therefore, because it is inspired by different historical and cultural traditions and needs to be integrated into them. This feature is particularly evident in Europe, where institutions associated with CSR (so-called „default” CSR) have traditionally existed long before this concept was the subject of explicit debate. Holistically, ultimately, because CSR covers and links together several economic, social and environmental issues. To be achieved, CSR must be an active goal pursued by companies, society and governments. Given the extremely complex nature and adaptability of CSR, governments across Europe are striving to harness their potential to achieve their public policy objectives, as evidenced by the diversity of policy frameworks that promote CSR. Along with the United States, European countries have been among the first in the world to adopt public policies aimed at promoting CSR at the level of their companies. These types of government policies can now be found in all four corners of the world, including Brazil, China and India. Some of the most innovative and well-known CSR policies in the world have come from European countries, such as the United Kingdom, France, and Scandinavian countries.