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debug = false; $db->Connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); define('ADODB_FETCH_DEFAULT',0); define('ADODB_FETCH_NUM',1); define('ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC',2); define('ADODB_FETCH_BOTH',3); $db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); // aka aici configuram niste adrese de email $mail_contact='contact@olteanucosmin.ro'; $mail_comenzi='contact@olteanucosmin.ro'; // cateva functii pentru bd function SQLexec( $query ) { $r = @mysql_query( $query ) or die( "
".mysql_error() ); return $r; } //........................................ function SQLcount( $result ) { return mysql_num_rows( $result ); } //........................................ function SQLfetch( $result ) { return mysql_fetch_array( $result ); } //........................................ function SQLid() { return mysql_insert_id(); } // aka fac rost de texte pentru title si breadscrumbs. sa moara gigi asta e facuta de mine function page_message_display() { $pagina = $_GET['page']; $pagina = preg_replace("/_/"," ", $pagina); $categorie = $_GET['a']; $categorie = preg_replace("/_/"," ", $categorie); $visan= explode (".",$pagina); $pagina = $visan[0]; if($pagina=='') {echo 'Prima pagina';} elseif($pagina=='adauga'){ echo $pagina.' › '.$categorie;} else { echo $pagina; } } ?>
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Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /var/www/html/aimr.univath.ro/all_texts.php on line 1
'csolub', en => 'csolub'); $section_id_text[2] = array(ro => 'Economie', en => 'Economy'); $section_id_text[3] = array(ro => 'Stiinte-generale', en => 'General-Science'); $section_id_text[4] = array(ro => 'Informatica', en => 'Computer-Science'); $section_id_alias[1] = array(ro => 'csolub', en => 'csolub'); $section_id_alias[2] = array(ro => 'LESIJ.ES', en => 'LESIJ.ES'); $section_id_alias[3] = array(ro => 'LESIJ.AS', en => 'LESIJ.AS'); $section_id_alias[4] = array(ro => 'LESIJ.IT', en => 'LESIJ.IT'); /* */ $section_id_alias_long[1] = array(ro => 'Athenaeum University', en => 'Athenaeum University'); $section_id_alias_long[2] = array(ro => 'Economic Series', en => 'Economic Series'); $section_id_alias_long[3] = array(ro => 'Administrative Science Series', en => 'Administrative Science Series'); $section_id_alias_long[4] = array(ro => 'IT Series', en => 'IT Series'); /* MENIURI */ $t['lang'] = array( 'ro' => 'RO', 'en' => 'EN', 'fr' => 'francais' ); $t['lang_long'] = array( 'ro' => 'romana', 'en' => 'english', 'fr' => 'francais' ); $t['t_drept'] = array('Conference Articles', 'Conference Articles'); $t['t_economie'] = array('.', '.'); $t['t_stiinte'] = array('.', '.'); $t['t_informatica'] = array('.', '.'); $t['acasa'] = array('Acasa','Home', 'ACCUEIL'); $t['instructiuni'] = array('INSTRUCÅ¢IUNI','INSTRUCTIONS', 'INSTRUCTIONS'); $t['articole'] = array('ARTICOLE','ARTICLES', 'ARTICLES'); $t['sectiuni'] = array('Volume','Issues', 'Sections'); $t['colegiul_de_redactie'] = array('Colegiu de redactie','Editorial board','PERSONNEL ÉDITORIAL' ); $t['committee'] = array('Committee','Committee','Committee' ); $t['fees'] = array('Fees','Fees','Fees' ); $t['programme'] = array('Programme','Programme','Programme' ); $t['deadlines'] = array('Deadlines','Deadlines','Deadlines' ); $t['reviewers_guidelines'] = array('Reviewers Guidelines','Reviewers Guidelines','Reviewers Guidelines' ); $t['author_guidelines'] = array('Author Guidelines','Author Guidelines','Author Guidelines' ); $t['external_referees'] = array('External Referees','External Referees','External Referees' ); $t['publisher'] = array('Publisher','Publisher','Publisher' ); $t['topics'] = array('Topics','Topics','Topics' ); $t['contact'] = array('Submit Article', 'Submit Article', 'CONTACT'); $t['submitarticle'] = array('Submit Article', 'Submit Article', 'CONTACT'); $t['arhiva_generala'] = array('Arhiva Generala', 'Full Archive', 'Arhive'); /* LEFT SIDE */ $t['left_adrese_title'] = array('Adresa', 'Address', ''); $t['left_telefoane_title'] = array('Telefoane', 'Phones', ''); $t['left_cataloage_title'] = array('Inclusa in', 'Included by', ''); $t['left_bd_gen_title'] = array('Indexata in', 'Indexed by', ''); /* INDEX */ $t['t_numarul_curent'] = array('Numarul curent', 'Current number', 'Nombre courant'); $t['t_ultimele_articole'] = array('Ultimele articole adaugate', 'Last added articles', 'Derniers articles'); $t['t_articole_recente'] = array('ARTICOLE RECENTE', 'LAST ARTICLES', 'Derniers articles'); $t['mai_multe_articole'] = array("mai multe articole", "more articles", "plus d'articles"); $t['continuare'] = array("citeste in continuare", "read more", "plus d'articles"); $t['cuvantul_editorului'] = array('cuvantul editorului', 'words from the editor'); //================================================================================================= // JURNALE //================================================================================================= //rest //cuprins $t['despre_about'] = array('SUBIECTE', 'fTOPICS'); $t['despre_about1'] = array('Subiecte', 'fTopics'); $t['last_volume'] = array('Ultimul Volum', 'Last Issue'); //Ultimul Volum/ Last Issue $t['cuprins'] = array('Cuprins', 'Content'); $t['archive'] = array('Toate Volumele', 'All Issues'); //Arhiva/Archive $t['volume_sectiune'] = array('volumele sectiunii', 'section volumes'); //================================================================================================= // VOLUME //================================================================================================= $t['volume_articole'] = array('Articole din acest volum', 'Current volume articles'); $t['volume_similar'] = array('Volume similare', 'Similar volumes'); $t['volume_all'] = array('Toate volumele', 'All volumes'); $t['volume_recente'] = array('Volume recente', 'Latest volumes'); //================================================================================================= // ARTICOLE //================================================================================================= $t['autori'] = array('Autori', 'Authors', 'Auteurs'); $t['pagini'] = array('Paginile', 'Pages', 'Pages'); $t['selecteaza_numar'] = array('SelecteazÄ? numar', 'Select number', 'Choisir le nombre'); $t['selecteaza_articole'] = array('SelecteazÄ? articole', 'Select articles', 'Choisir les articles'); $t['selecteaza_articole_plus'] = array('SelecteazÄ? articole din numÄ?rul curent', 'Select articles from current number', 'Choisir les articles à partir du nombre courant'); $t['alte_articole'] = array('Articole din acelasi volum', 'Other articles from current volume', 'D\'autres les articles à partir du nombre courant'); $t['toate_articolele'] = array('Toate articolele', 'All articles', 'D\'autres les articles à partir du nombre courant'); $t['articol_doar_franceza'] = array('Articolul este disponibil doar in limba franceza.', 'This article is available only in french.', 'Cet article est disponible seulement en français.'); $t['articol_doar_engleza'] = array('Articolul este disponibil doar in limba engleza.', 'This article is available only in english.','Cet article est disponible seulement en anglais.'); $t['articol_doar_romana'] = array('Articolul este disponibil doar in limba romana.', 'This article is available only in romanian.','Cet article est disponible seulement en roumain.'); $t['articol_pagesinfo'] = array('Articolul este publicat in volum de la pagina {SPAGE} la pagina {EPAGE}.', 'This article is published in the volume from page {SPAGE} to page {EPAGE}.'); /* CONTACT */ $t['adresa'] = array(); $t['adresa'][0] = "1Adresa:
ggggCalea Vacaresti, Nr. 185, Sect.4, Bucuresti
330.90.32; 330.90.76; 330.88.64; 330.89.58;
Fax: 330.86.06
ISSN 1583-039x
EISSN 2066-1886"; $t['adresa'][1] = "1Address:
185 Calea Vacaresti str , Sect.4, Bucharest
330.90.32; 330.90.76; 330.88.64; 330.89.58;
Fax 330.86.06
Email:lexetscientia@univnt.ro"; $t['adresa'][2] = "1Adresse:
Rue Calea Vacaresti, Nr. 185, Sect.4, Bucarest
330.90.32; 330.90.76; 330.88.64; 330.89.58
Fax: 330.86.06
Email:lexetscientia@univnt.ro"; /* text homepage*/ $t['t_text_homepage'] = array('ddLex ET Scientia', 'Lex ET Scientia', 'Lex ET Scientia'); $t['text_homepage'] = array(); $t['text_homepage'][0] = "Universitatea Nicolae Titulescu a decis, in anul 1996, ca materialele prezentate la sesiunile anuale de comunicari trebuie puse in valoare prin publicarea intr-un volum care sa respecte periodicitatea acestor manifestari.

In anul 1996 apare primul numar publicatiei Buletin informativ. In anul 1998, publicatia isi schimba denumirea in 'Lex ET Scientia', titlu sub care a putut fi consultata anual, pana in prezent, exceptie a facand anul 1998, cand au aparut trei numere.

Pana in anul 2000 publicatia a aparut ca volum cu cod ISBN, urmand ca din 2001 si pana in prezent sa capete regim de periodic, cu ISSN 1583-039x. Periodicul este orientat catre domeniul stiintelor socio-umane si economice: economie, drept, administratie, sociologie.

La sustinerea nivelului calitativ al revistei au contribuit si cadrele didactice de la Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Administratie si Afaceri, fapt pentru care s-a perfectat la nivelul celor doua universitati o conventie privind editarea in comun a jurnalului. Pe masura ce activitatea de cercetare a colaboratorilor s-a diversificat, pe masura ce au trebuit implementate noi norme de calitate, periodicul s-a transformat la randul sau, urmand cerintele de actualitate. Astfel, lucrarile care au aparut in anul 2006 si cele care sunt in asteptare pentru numarul urmator au fost rezultate nu doar din studiile destinate participarii autorilor la sesiunea stiintifica anuala, ci si din cercetari independente de aceste manifestari. Colegiul de redactie a fost imbunatatit si este intr-un proces continuu de transformare calitativa, adunand nume de valoare din mediul intern si international. Toate lucrarile destinate numarului urmator sunt elaborate conform standardelor internationale de calitate destinate accederii autorilor in jurnalele top si au fost sau vor fi transmise spre recenzare specialistilor in domeniu conform unor norme de evaluare bine stabilite. In prezent, Lex ET Scientia este luat in evidenta CNCSIS ca revista categorie B. Recentele schimburi internationale pe care le-am initiat ne pot apropia, in cel mai scurt timp, de recunoasterea intr-o categorie superioara.

Elena Druica "; $t['text_homepage'][1] = "In the year 1996 the Nicolae Titulescu University had the initiative of valorizing the materials presented in the annual communication sessions by publishing them into a volume that would follow the periodicity of such manifestations. Therefore, the first issue of the publication Informative Bulletin appeared in 1996. In 1998 the name of the publication was changed into 'Lex ET Scientia', headline under which it continued to appear on a yearly basis, except for year 1998, when three issues were published. Until year 2000 the publication appeared in a volume upon ISBN code; since 2001 until the present moment it has become of periodical regime, upon ISSN 1583-039x. The periodical is focused on sciences in the social-humanist and economic field: economy, law, administration, sociology. Of real support in ensuring the qualitative level of the magazine there was the teaching team of the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Administration and Business, fact which lead to the two universities’ concluding a convention regarding the joint editing of the journal. Along with the diversification of the research activity of the collaborators new quality norms had to be implemented, and the periodical faced new changes. Hence, the articles published in year 2006 and which are pending for the following issue resulted not only from the studies destined to the authors’ taking part to the annual scientific session, but also from researches independent of such manifestation. The redaction team was improved and undergoes a continuous qualitative transformation process, bringing together valuable names from the internal and international environment. All papers destined to the following issue have been drafted in accordance to the international quality standards aiming to include the authors in top journals and have been or are to be sent to be reviewed by specialists in their respective fields as per clearly established assessment rules. At the present moment, Lex ET Scientia is included in the CNCSIS records as B category magazine. The international exchanges we recently initiated will bring us closer to the admission to a higher category in the shortest time.
Elena DruicÄ?"; $t['text_homepage'][2] = "FR Serviciile oferite de catre site-ul nostru sunt oferite numai persoanelor care sunt de acord cu termenii si conditiile de colaborare expuse in cadrul acestei sectiuni. Folosirea site-ului www.univnt.ro presupune acceptarea in totalitate a termenilor si conditiilor. Utilizatorul va avea acces in orice moment la Termenii si conditiile de colaborare, atat timp cat serverul de Web Hosting functioneaza la parametrii normali. Prin intermediul site-ului www.univnt.ro este prezentata o oferta bogata de materiale, studii si proiecte etc., in format electronic si imprimat, elaborate sau redactate de echipa www.univnt.ro. Orice material asupra caruia intrati in posesie prin intermediul acestui site se va folosi in exclusivitate pentru uzul propriu. Este interzisa cumpararea materialelor in scop de revanzare fara acordul echipei www.univnt.ro"; /* INSTRUCTIUNI */ $t['t_text_instructiuni'] = array('InstrucÅ£iuni pentru autori','Instructions for writers', 'Instructions pour des auteurs'); /* COLEGIU DE REDACTIE*/ $t['t_colegiul_de_redactie'] = array('Colegiul de redactie', 'Editorial board', 'Personnel éditorial'); $t['t_committee'] = array('Committee', 'Committee', 'Committee'); $t['t_programme'] = array('Programme', 'Programme', 'Programme'); $t['t_fees'] = array('Fees', 'Fees', 'Fees'); $t['t_deadlines'] = array('Deadlines', 'Deadlines', 'Deadlines'); $t['t_colegiu_de_redactie'] = array('Colegiul de redactie', 'Editorial board', 'Personnel éditorial'); $t['t_reviewers_guidelines'] = array('Reviewers Guidelines', 'Reviewers Guidelines', 'Reviewers Guidelines'); $t['t_author_guidelines'] = array('Author Guidelines', 'Author Guidelines', 'Author Guidelines'); $t['t_external_referees'] = array('External Referees', 'External Referees', 'External Referees'); $t['t_publisher'] = array('Publisher', 'Publisher', 'Publisher'); $t['t_topics'] = array('Topics', 'Topics', 'Topics'); /*FOOTER*/ $t['t_termeni_si_conditii'] = array('Termeni si conditii', 'Terms and conditions', 'Modalités et conditions'); $t['t_harta_site'] = array('Harta site', 'Sitemap', 'Plan du site'); $t['t_acasa'] = array('AcasÄ?','Home', 'Accueil'); /* ABOUT US*/ $t['about_text'] = array("

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum'

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum'

", "Romanian gica gica gica gica gica gica gica gica gica gica gica gica gica gica "); /* CONTACT */ $t['t_contact'] = array('Submit Article', 'Submit Article', 'Forme de contact'); $t['t_submitarticle'] = array('Submit Article', 'Submit Article', 'Forme de contact'); $t['header_contact'] = array(); $t['header_submitarticle'] = array(); $t['header_contact'][0] = 'Cea mai buna cale de contact este via e-mail la csolub@faa.ro
Daca nu aveti posibilitatea de a trimite e-mail-uri puteti folosi formularul urmator:'; $t['header_submitarticle'][0] = 'Cea mai buna cale de contact este via e-mail la csolub@faa.ro
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You can also send the article by e-mail at secretariat@univath.ro

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Daca nu aveti posibilitatea de a trimite e-mail-uri puteti folosi formularul urmator: "; $t['header_submitarticle'][1] = '

You can also send the article by e-mail at secretariat@univath.ro

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Daca nu aveti posibilitatea de a trimite e-mail-uri puteti folosi formularul urmator: "; $t['nume'] = array('Nume', 'Last name', 'Nom'); $t['prenume'] = array('Prenume', 'First name', 'Prénom'); $t['phonenumber'] = array('Telefon', 'Phone number', 'Adresse d\'e-mail '); $t['affiliation'] = array('Affiliation', 'Affiliation (Faculty, University)', 'Afiliation '); $t['titlu'] = array('Article Title', 'Article Title', 'Article Title '); $t['jel'] = array('JEL Classification - http://econpapers.repec.org/scripts/jelsearch.pf ', 'JEL Classification - list of codes', 'JEL Classification - http://econpapers.repec.org/scripts/jelsearch.pf '); $t['keywords'] = array('Key Words', 'Key Words', 'Key Words '); $t['academictitle'] = array('Academic Title', 'Academic Title (professor, associate professor, lecturer etc.)', 'Academic Title '); $t['email'] = array('Adresa de e-mail', 'E-mail address', 'Adresse d\'e-mail '); $t['msg'] = array('Abstract of your ', 'Abstract of your Article', 'Votre message'); $t['trimite'] = array('Trimite', 'Send', 'Envoyer'); $t['reset'] = array('Sterge', 'Reset', 'Remise'); $t['contact_file_1'] = array('Ataseaza Articol (.doc, .docx)','Upload your paper (Only Microsoft Word format accepeted - .doc, .docx)','Ataseaza Articol[FR]'); $t['contact_file_2'] = array('Ataseaza Acord Publicare','Upload copyright agreement - .jpg, .pdf','Ataseaza Acord Publicare[FR]'); $t['mandatory'] = array('* marcheaza campurile obligatorii', '* marks mandatory fields', '* marque les champs obligatoires'); $t['vezi_harta_zonei'] = array('vezi harta zonei', 'see area map', 'voir la carte de secteur'); $t['header_mesaj_trimis'] = array('Mesajul a fost trimis!', 'The message was sent!', 'Le message a été envoyé!'); $t['header_mesaj_netrimis'] = array('Mesajul NU a fost trimis!', 'The message was NOT sent!', 'Le message n\'a été pas envoyé!'); $t['contact_time_limit_warning'] = array('Un mesaj de la IP-ul dvs. a fost trimis in ultimile 10 minute.
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Double Blind Review Evaluation


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AIMR Journal


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